
Larena’s Story – Customer Service Representative

Larena Schiavone, Customer Service Representative
Mississauga, ON
Started at Motion Canada: May 2017

What do you like about working at Motion Canada?
What I like best about my work is the people around me. My branch has such a great mix of outgoing and laid-back team members, so we always have fun regardless of the workload. Plus, the outside sales reps are great people with a wealth of knowledge – I can always fall back on them if I need help or need a quick laugh to perk me up. And last but not least, I really like my customers – they’re awesome!

Have you learned anything cool about yourself while working here?
I’ve learned that I can be a little nerdy! I never really thought of myself that way when I was in school, but now as I’m learning about things like how and why hydraulics work, how belts and chains are made or the inner parts of bearings, I find it all super interesting! Plus seeing our bits and pieces in action at customer sites is so gratifying – it shows my hard work in action.

Do you have any advice for anyone just starting at Motion Canada?
My advice is to know you have the resources to be successful. Ecos can seem like a lot to take in at first with the sheer amount of products, suppliers, places to look, steps to take, things to memorize, etc. But trust me – just take a deep breath, take it day by day, utilize the training in Talent Quest and CSR-U, lean on your peers and your Ops Manager, and then one day you’ll be entering an order not even looking at your notes! You’ll think back and see how far you’ve come, and it will be so rewarding.

What is your favourite “guilty pleasure” song or artist?
The office theme song. I can’t explain why, but I love it.

If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go any why?
I would go to space. It would be a long flight but the bragging rights would be worth it!

You are given one million dollars – what are the first three things you do with it?
I would buy myself a condo close to downtown Toronto. If I’m lucky, I’ll have enough left over for a couple pints on the patio.

Want to discover what working at Motion Canada as a customer service representative is really like? Check out this video that features the Motion Canada Edmonton Distribution Centre!

"I’ve learned that I can be a little nerdy! As I’m learning about things like how and why hydraulics work, how belts and chains are made or the inner parts of bearings, I find it all super interesting!"

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