
Colton’s Story – Material Handler

Colton Samida, Material Handler
Edmonton, AB
Started at Motion Canada: January 2019

What do you like about working at Motion Canada?
I like the people most of all. Coming to work every day at Motion Canada is a joy, because the people I work with are exceptional individuals.

Do you have any advice for anyone just starting at Motion Canada?
Be diligent in asking for feedback. Getting regular feedback on your progress at Motion Canada can lead to tremendous self-improvement, and going out of your way to seek that feedback shows you care.

What is your favourite “guilty pleasure” song or artist?
Barenaked Ladies. The first album I ever owned was “Gordon” and they’ve been my guilty pleasure ever since.

Is there a TV or movie character who you identify with/is basically you?
Chewbacca. Whenever he talks I find myself thinking, “yeah, this guy gets it.”

If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go and why?
If I could travel anywhere it would be Florence, Italy. Florence’s architecture is breathtaking and would be amazing to see one day!

If you were an ice-cream flavor, which would you be and why?
Tiger Tail: it’s a pretty good flavor, although you have to get to know it first.

Are you an introvert or an extrovert?
I am an extrovert who pretends to be an introvert.

Want to learn more about Colton, see him in action at work and discover what working at Motion Canada is really like? Check out this video that features him and some of his colleagues at our Edmonton Distribution Centre!

"I like the people most of all. Coming to work every day at Motion Canada is a joy."

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